Sunday, 14 October 2012



I recently purchased my first iPhone and all I can say is, I'm hooked! I have to admit though, that before I had my own iPhone, as I saw people walking around the stores texting or talking on their phones, I felt a bit perturbed. I would think to myself, "Can't they be without their phones for just one minute?" or "It's okay not to be available 24/7." Now I'm no different, for the simple reason that I found myself standing in a store the other day, texting and talking on my iPhone!

I can do all kinds of things on my iPhone - things like checking the Internet and my emails. I also keep a daily reminder. It even has an alarm. But what I enjoy most of all is the texting. Why, you might ask? I can stay in touch with family and friends. I love being able to send a little note to say hi, I love you or even just the icon of a happy this :) They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, I'm beginning to think a few words in a text or something as simple as a happy face can be worth their weight in gold too.

It reminds me of something that I take for granted and perhaps don't do as often as I should and that's pray! As a matter of fact, prayer is far more advanced "technology" than the iPhone will ever be. We have a direct line to the throne room in heaven, 24/7. Whenever we call, there's always a happy face waiting on the other end of the line. We can talk to the almighty Creator any time, anywhere, whether it's in the store or driving in the car. We don't even have to pull over in fear of getting a distraction law ticket!

So next time you go to call someone on your iPhone, say a little prayer for God's protection and blessing on them. Ask Him to make His happy face shine upon them and give them His peace.

May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show His favour and give you His peace. (Numbers 6:24-26) NLT

Until next time.
Be Blessed,

Photos courtesy of and

Monday, 8 October 2012


It's Thanksgiving day here in Canada and I want to share an article with you that I just posted on my other blog site A Safe and Secret Place .

I wrote the article a few years ago but it is about harvest and blends well with the "Its Harvest" posting that I posted on  this site yesterday. 

Thank you to my good friend Marcia for helping me with the tweaking and grammar. I hope you enjoy !

Happy Thanksgiving !
Be Blessed,
Terrie Lynne 

Sunday, 7 October 2012


 I really enjoy the Autumn weather that we have been experiencing. It's my favourite time of year. It's harvest here in Alberta and that means time to gather everything from grain to garden vegetables.

I have fond memories of growing up on the farm. Memories that will always hold a special place in my heart. When I close my eyes, I can still see my dad climbing down from the combine to have a cup of coffee and a peanut butter sandwich that my mom and I had brought out for him. For me, coffee breaks meant time to run and jump like a hurdler over the rows upon rows of cut grain. It was fun, it was freeing.

The grain dust was so thick in the air one could hardly breath yet, as evening came, the dust made for an incredible crimson red sunset. When dusk gave way to the darkness, every star in the night sky seem to shine. It was amazing, it was beautiful.

Mom and I would wait patiently in the grain truck for Dad to flash the combine lights, letting us know that the hopper was full of grain and it was time for us to drive over so he could unload. I can still hear the gentle, humming sound of the combine in the distance. It was soothing. While waiting, Mom and I would laugh and discuss everyday life and sometimes we would talk about God. It was our special time together.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this weekend, I am grateful for these memories that will live on in my heart. Although my Dad has passed away now, I am thankful that I was able to grow up on a farm. I am thankful for the special time with my Mom and I am thankful to believe in a God that created it all!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Be Blessed,

 Photos courtesy of

Monday, 1 October 2012


Do you ever find your mind drifting back to those days when you were a kid? Perhaps you have memories connected to the sights and sounds of being raised in the big city. Some of them bring back fond memories and some may even bring back painful ones that  you hold deep inside.

Perhaps you grew up in a small rural town where life was quieter where little things like running to the mailman to get the mail or going to the local grocery store for a treat brought excitement. Do you remember the taste of that creamy Homo milk out of a glass bottle?

For me, growing up on a farm made for many fond memories. During the summer, I was running through the grain fields, burning up the dirt trails on my bicycle, making mud pies or watching the storms come in. In the winter, it was making snow forts and angels in the snow. Whatever I was doing, there was a freedom and an innocence that somehow got lost in my adulthood and in the business of living everyday life.

 I hope you will join me as we adventure together. I will share with you stories of the past, thoughts from experiences of the present and hopes and dreams for the future. My hope is that together we can return to that innocence in our hearts and experience Gods love, freedom and grace, for this is where the healing begins!

Until tomorrow,
Be Blessed,
Terrie Lynne

Sunday, 30 September 2012




Welcome to Where the Healing Begins !

Oct 1, 2012, I will begin posting on this new site.
I hope you will come and join me! 

I have just finished writing A 30 Day Writing Challenge from a wonderful book titled Unleash The Writer Within by Cecil Murphey. Now I am ready to begin a new chapter in my writing journey.  

I hope you will return to the innocense of the heart with me and follow along with Where The Healing Begins postings.

Until tomorrow,
Be Blessed,
Terrie Lynne