Sunday, 23 February 2014

The Help

Lately I've been thinking about a movie I watched with my daughter about a year ago titled, The Help.  
It's loosely based around two African American women who work as maids for white families during the Civil Rights era in the 1960s. If you go to Wikipedia  you can read a little write up about the movie content. If you haven't seen the movie I highly recommend it.

One of the maids, or as they were referred to in the movie as the help, was named Aberdeen Clark. One of her duties was to take care of a little girl around 3 years old. Every day Aberdeen would speak in her broken English these encouraging words of affirmation over the little girl, "You's kind, you's smart, you's important!"
Our eyes filled with tears and our hearts were deeply touched when we watched that scene. I felt as if it was what I call a "God Moment".  Like a blessing being spoken over that little girl!

 It's such a powerful reminder of the power of words, both good and bad. I've heard it said that when one negative or discouraging word has been spoken to a person it takes up to seven positive or encouraging words to counteract the negative affect in our mind and heart.  I believe the scriptures do refer to the fact that words have power for good or for evil.

I believe the Bible also refers to the  Holy Spirit as " The Helper", the one that wants to come along beside us. He wants to  speak words of encouragement and affirmation into our hearts. Words like, you're kind, you're smart, you're important!

 I hope I can reflect "the helper" that lives inside me when I speak the words,  "you's kind, you's smart, you's important, to a lost and hurting world around me that so desperately needs to hear these healing and encouraging words!
I hope you have been blessed and encouraged too!
Amen. Let it be so!

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