When they were young, they didn't want to go to asleep until we had our special prayer time together. Many conversations about life or life situations would spring out of our time together.
Even though they are grown adults now, and living their own lives, I still pray my prayer for them. Although, they may not literally hear me they know I still pray, and find comfort in knowing this.
As a believer and a parent this is a legacy that I want to pass on to my children. My hope is they will carry this on to their children and for generations to come! Perhaps when I'm old, my children will pray their own prayer of blessing and protection over me.
Sharing this story with you reminds me of a book titled, "I'll Love You Forever" that I enjoyed reading to my kids when they were little. The story is of a mother praying for her child and how the circle of love and dedication was carried on by her child onto her grandchild and eventually back to her when she was old. My eyes still fill with tears when I think about the words in that book. The words that mother would say were, "I'll love you forever, I'll like for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be." They are simplistic yet powerful words that we all may appreciate having spoken over us no matter how old we are.
Although we may not hear them from our parents or children, because of life's circumstances, I believe we can find peace and comfort in knowing there is a loving Heavenly Father who wants to speak words of love and compassion to us. Perhaps words like " I'll love you forever, I'll love you for always, forever and ever my baby you'll be"! Not just while we are here on earth but for all eternity! Amen!
Give Thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever. (Chronicles 16:34)
Photos by family photo album, photopin.com, flicker.com
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